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About Us

What is IndiTribe?

IndiTribe is a one stop marketplace for migrant weavers, artisans, tailors etc to market their skills and products directly to customers globally. IndiTribe provides them everything from marketing to photography to shipping internationally. We are helping them bypass all the middle-men that eat into their profits
IndiTribe is not for profit. We are not taking any profit share or commission from the participating artisans.


How did we evolve?

IndiTribe started out as a microfinancing company, but with the onset of Covid, we pivoted our model towards a market-place for migrant artisans, weavers, tailors who were among the most negatively impacted by the covid epidemic.




What do we do?

We match the artisans skills to your demand. In Phase One, most of our migrant artisans  are from in and around Lucknow, and have been involved in mask production for government orders -  for police, migrant labourers and other frontline labourers. 
We are now launching our retail outlet. Stay tuned.


Who are we?

We are a team of individuals with family roots in small family-run businesses in India, which have been deeply affected by Covid lockdowns. That is our motivation for this project.
We bring with us extensive and diverse experience in finance, fashion and engineering.
Our team is 70% female, and ethnically diverse.